You don't have to be a HOT MESS going through Menopause!

Welcome to the
Get Fit Stay Fit Formula
Where menopausal and post menopausal women balance their hormones and transform their bodies, in only 30 minutes a day, even without a gym membership.
You are in the right place if
You've tried diet pills, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and while you had some temporary success, it wasn't long lasting.
You're totally frustrated with your ability to get in better shape and you feel menopause is the big reason why.
Or maybe, you are going through menopause and gaining weight while eating the same. You don't know what to do or who to turn to?
I had a terrible time going through menopause (hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain) but now I've implemented a solution that has worked for me and many others.
My Story

At first my intentions were good. My fitness manager was an all natural body builder and she encouraged me to compete.
I wanted to see how fit I could get even while going through perimenopause at 43 years old.
I also thought that being a size zero would make me happy.
What I discovered was that changing my body on the outside and winning body building competitions, did not truly make me happy on the inside.
The diet was too strict which caused me to binge and be prideful.
Also who can sustain working out 2 hours a day to stay that lean? It wasn't a good place to be.
What made me truly happy was eating balanced nutrition (hello carbs!), exercising for the joy of feeling good, and giving myself G.R.A.C.E (see below) when needed.
This is what my Get Fit/Stay Fit Formula will do for you!


I lost almost 20 pounds during the time I worked with Diesta. She is an amazing role model and her enthusiasm is contagious ~Becky

In twelve weeks, I lost 16 pounds and tons of inches. My accomplishments included habits that I gained in the program that will give me sucess going forward ~ Kamaria

With Diesta's encouragement and guidance, I was able to lost 15 pounds and a total of 13 inches around my chest, waist and hips. I also won second place in my competitive swimming events. I'm super happy with my results ~ Jenny

Thankful to my wellness Coach Diesta for helping me reach my 2022 health goals (getting stronger and losing my COVID 20). I lost nearly 25 pounds during our time together and over 14 inches~ Danielle
My Get Fit Stay Fit Formula
I believe my One-on-One Coaching Program will change your life!
I provide coaching sessions that include discussions on nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, self-sabotage, self-compassion, resistance training, exercising self-control.....just to name a few! (2 Tim. 1:7)

12-week Get-Fit - I'll help you!
Get in Better Shape (losing inches and weight)
Be motivated w/ an awesome coach
Go from Frustration to Confidence
Balance your hormones
Daily motivation/inspiration
Note: Payment plans available for both options
The 24-week Stay-Fit - You'll experience
G.R.A.C.E. filled support for your menopause wellness. (E=expect challenges that I'll prepare you for)
Learn what it takes to stay fit; Add me to your wellness team
Accountability/support because it really is a journey not a destination;
Sustainable results
![8[1] Toni's testimonial](
![9[1] Mindy's testimonials](
![10[1] Yolanda's testimonial](
Queen, I've coached women of all ages and ethnicities (mid 20's to mid 60's) and I freakin' love it.
Their results are:
wearing clothes in their closet they haven't worn in years,
healthier bodies,
weight loss,
muscle tone,
lower A1C levels,
confidence in how they look and feel
My clients found their path from daily frustration and self-sabotage to confidence.
I want you to experience the same results they did.
I believe you will...

My Vision for You
I want you to live in a world where
The diet culture does not dictate our relationship with food or our bodies.
A woman's self esteem is not tied to the scale because she has a healthy body image.
Menopause is viewed as a wonderful chapter of life.
Women feel empowered to invest in their own wellness without feeling guilty.
Women realize that wellness is good stewardship of the body God gave them. (Romans 12:1)
Low carb diets are a thing of the past.
![7[1] Lindsey Greco testimonial](
![3[1] Frizzette testimonial](
![2[1] amy testimonial](